Three days to go...
by Carina Weijma, Associate Communications for OPENLIGHT
The sky is clear and blue these days, which seems to be quite great in Beijing, since it is a city full of smog. The temperature during the day is about 27 degrees, but at the end of the afternoon it starts to be fresher. Beijing is a city of extremes, with strong winters and warm summers. The same can be whispered about the city itself. It is famous for its ancient Forbidden City which remembers us about the past. On the other hand the roads and districts are quite modern in the way they are set up, and spending money can be done on every corner. Taxi drivers are still patient in the circus of traffic. Modernity is also clearly the goal in the Art District 751, were the team is working now from yesterday, instead of working at the university campus. At the other end of the big big city. Half an hour by taxi, and almost an hour in rush hour. It is a very hip and happening spot, with the atmosphere of StrijpS. But ten times more elaborated. With coffee shops, tons of enthusiastic young Chinese people visiting the design and music these days. We don't dance. We work :) But we enjoy the spirit of looking forward to the future of China, which everyone visiting this location is experiencing.
The change of location gives us all a push forward. Only 3 days to go before our presentation in the three cylinders of the Dutch location should be ready! Three propositions are chosen. It is absolutely amazing that the team members have been able to have such an interesting discussions with Chinese people, in such a short period. Another important thing is learning about each others culture. Working together in an international team is something you only learn by doing... And learning from each other, sharing opinions and working tasks.
See below some pictures of the beautiful old cylinders we are free to fill with our exhibition. The team is working from 8 to late in the evening. Every day, so also this weekend.
Petje af!