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LED, the new kerosine

Since this week, we are able to show what we were talking about these last weeks in India for the project to open light in India.

The first new prototypes are working. The lamps shown in the picture is the new LED lamp we will bring into the villages from this week onwards. The lamp is build to replace kerosine. It is just enough light to read with but still only sufficient to replace kerosine. This small lamp is exactly what is needed in the villages where they still rely on kerosine. The size and quality make it a trustworthy lamp which is more affordable than kerosine. Also health, fire risk and wind issues are no longer there. Now still in the lab in Jabalpur, India. Soon more news about the light in context!

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Reader Comments (1)

Very important !

October 7, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterled lampen

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