
Presentation day!

Today the big opening day. The three cylinders are highly attractive! Visitors of the three cyliders liked the subjects, content, propositions and the light installations. All conducted in such a short period of 2 weeks. Students can be proud of their work. Official opening by the major of Eindhoven, Rob van Gijzel - he shook hands with all Dutch and Chinese students. Rombout Frielings presentation was bright and inspiring as ever. We spoke to press, and the most intersting news is that the 'big'  CCTVstation visited our cylinders.. Wonder if we ever see something of their shoots... (Tomorrow, I will visit their Rem Koolhaas tower as a tourist)

(by Carina Weijma)




The final day to finalize the projects!

Yesterday night I visited the official opening of the Beijing Design Week at the big square near the Millennium building and the media tower. Thousand(s) of Chinese officals were attending the big laser and light projection show ON the immense Millennium building. Imagine GLOW, but x times bigger. Very impressive.

Today a day to complete the work in the cylinders. Technically as well as experience. As well as the story what is in the cylinder. What is our main message per project? What is the story we want the visitors to go home with? That is important to discuss on forehand. Tomorrow we will split the group of visitors after the official ceremony into three parts. For three cylinders to visit. At every cylinder a non chinese speaking student will do an elevator pitch to the audience, and a chinese student will tell the same. Then we go inside, group by group. Hmm, logistically we also had some choices to make. Because all these groups have to visit all the three cylinders!

(By Carina Weijma)





openlight 24/7

I like the smell of processing in the morning


Beijing matters 

(by Carina Weijma)

Only 2 weeks ago the Dutch and Chinese students lived with Chinese people to talk about their daily life. Parents, children, a rice wine business man, a cleaning lady, a bicycle repair man. Among them worker who came from far away to Beijing to help build the city. With their loyalty they give the city a face. 

Three proposions are chosen to build installations in the three cylinders. The power of the OPENLIGHT program 'Light trough Culture' is listening to and elaborating on local matters. (... in stead of building an installation at home and ship it to another country for exposition.) Purpose is a dialoge about how smart lighting can contribute to a healthy city, the theme of the Dutch Pavilion (see pic) where five Dutch organisations present. Our three subjects:

WATTS matter (saving energy)

Find peace in a crowd (how light can help to relax in a crowd)

Lost in Beijing (as a worker… Though recognized for their loyalty to the city)


International press at Beijing Design Week

by Carina Weijma, Associate Communications for OPENLIGHT

Today, Sunday, the official press opening of the Dutch pavilion at the Beijing Design Week.

It was quite amazing how the whole interior of the building changed within an evening and one morning. So many people of so many Dutch organisations completed their hard work. And Chinese workers helped in a great way. Even whole flower fields were arranged to give the surroundings near the buildings a good look.

 The international press was interested in all Dutch light/led/environmental/smartcities/design presentations. We mentioned a slightly different way of behaviour than Dutch journalists (who usually decide themselves what they want to hear or not…). The Chinese press seems to be very polite. Also our beloved NRC newspaper was there. Since our OPENLIGHT  presentations are ready on Wednesday and not today (as all parties agreed upon) our chance to be mentioned is small. But  our press moment will be on Wednesday. Meanwhile the students and workers work intensively in the cylindres. I wont show you pictures of the cylindres internally because it is much more fun to show you what is in there when it is ready. So still a bit a secret…

 In the evenings everyone is very tired. We were too busy to follow the signs on the floor, meant for the journalists... But luckily the Chinese professors of the Tsinhua university, whom we work with, invited us for dinner in a great Chinese restaurant. Eating with chopsticks from a round table, the most delicious things. Even jelly fish, and probably the balls of a bull?