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Beijing matters 

(by Carina Weijma)

Only 2 weeks ago the Dutch and Chinese students lived with Chinese people to talk about their daily life. Parents, children, a rice wine business man, a cleaning lady, a bicycle repair man. Among them worker who came from far away to Beijing to help build the city. With their loyalty they give the city a face. 

Three proposions are chosen to build installations in the three cylinders. The power of the OPENLIGHT program 'Light trough Culture' is listening to and elaborating on local matters. (... in stead of building an installation at home and ship it to another country for exposition.) Purpose is a dialoge about how smart lighting can contribute to a healthy city, the theme of the Dutch Pavilion (see pic) where five Dutch organisations present. Our three subjects:

WATTS matter (saving energy)

Find peace in a crowd (how light can help to relax in a crowd)

Lost in Beijing (as a worker… Though recognized for their loyalty to the city)

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Reader Comments (2)

What a nice picture, will there be more of theese kind of projects in the future?

October 25, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterbootschoenen

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