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The final day to finalize the projects!

Yesterday night I visited the official opening of the Beijing Design Week at the big square near the Millennium building and the media tower. Thousand(s) of Chinese officals were attending the big laser and light projection show ON the immense Millennium building. Imagine GLOW, but x times bigger. Very impressive.

Today a day to complete the work in the cylinders. Technically as well as experience. As well as the story what is in the cylinder. What is our main message per project? What is the story we want the visitors to go home with? That is important to discuss on forehand. Tomorrow we will split the group of visitors after the official ceremony into three parts. For three cylinders to visit. At every cylinder a non chinese speaking student will do an elevator pitch to the audience, and a chinese student will tell the same. Then we go inside, group by group. Hmm, logistically we also had some choices to make. Because all these groups have to visit all the three cylinders!

(By Carina Weijma)




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