April 3, Tuesday

We started our meeting with a guest lecturer: Dr. Barış Mücen, lecturer METU, Ankara, department of Sociology.
Academic Areas of Interest: historical sociology, political sociology, cultural sociology, post- colonial studies, social theory
His lecture was about “Sociology of Culture & Critique of Cultural Essentialism”.
Some of the expressions that stroke us were; "We produce meaning by defining meaning." and "Culture itself is a realm of struggle."
Concept development by groups
What is the benefit of the group?
What is the benefit of the individual?
How can you reveal the complexity of the group/individual?
And how do they react on each other?
They started with acting out scenarios and experiences.
Example: shopping in the Netherlands, Belgium and Turkey and personal example in communication
Already in the topics chosen there was a big difference between both cultures
Tactics about conversation in order to communicate information
The biggest difference: Turks take into account how the other person feels after receiving this information.
There are multiple ways to reveal a message.
What is the context of the receiver? The sender?
Which mediators are used to enter a group of people?
There are multiple ways to convey a message.
How to reveal the dynamics of people?
What are the links?
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